

                     The human brain is the most difficult thing to understand. Even if you have spent fifty years together with a person, there will still be times when you feel ,"Do I really know this person, or was he the same person who was fifty years ago?" A time will come when You start questioning that person`s every decision. It`s the beginning of cold war, and gradually it increases if you don`t stop and understand.

                   It is human nature to keep changing according to the situation and time. Change is the law of nature. You can`t stop someone from changing; you can only prepare   yourself and be strong enough to handle each and every change that comes, not only from a person but also in your life.

                                                 A person is said to be wise if he or she can accept the change and go with the flow of time. Nothing is more powerful than the human brain. All you need to do is try to control it and make a proper balance between your brain and heart. The human brain and heart work oppositely, they will never agree on one common decision. 

Especially in the case of teenagers, their brain says them to study, as it is the only thing that will lead you to a successful life. But at the same time, their heart says ," Let`s hang out with friends or watch a movie". Most of the time, the heart wins. Even though you know what you are doing is completely wrong you should not do it, you still do it because bad attracts more powerfully than good.

                                                           As you grow up, you start understanding things and try to maintain a balance between your mind and heart. You keep at it, and their will be a day when you win and stop hanging out with your friends. Then your friends will start saying," Oh, you have changed a lot; you are not the same person". It`s the situation where either your friend will understand you, or they will end the friendship. 

                             If your friends also try to change with the time and situation, they will understand you and your situation. It will be a wise and win-win decision. If they can`t, that`s also fine. Nothing is to worry about ! Oh, come on! Let them be your history. That`s also a good thing to be remembered.

                                                That`s all, thanks for your time!😇

By Sneha Chaudhary


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